Free Jets Overhead Shwag!!!!!

29 10 2009

We have a very exciting contest for you today, kids! Earbudz, in conjunction with our friends at Against The Grain, have a free Jets Overhead prize pack for one lucky reader! We LOVE Jets Overhead!  They are one of our favorite Canadian bands and we’re a bit jealous that we don’t get to take this cool prize pack home.  The Prize pack includes an autographed No Nations CD and tee-shirt that I, personally, think would look HOT on you!

To enter the contest, send your name, address and phone number (optional) to The contest will run until November 14th at which time a winner will be announced! Good luck! I hope you, specifically, right there…. yeah…. you – I hope you win. 🙂

You can check out Jets Overhead and their awesome new album, No Nations, at


Posted by Garvey